chrisla;342175 Wrote: 
> I've also never had any luck with activities... I think the concept
> would work if the real remote had single buttons for things, but when
> it has say an "HDMI" button, that you use to cycle thru the 4 HDMI
> ports on my TV it is constantly getting it wrong, or turning off the
> TV or some nonsense. My original remote has no HDMI 1 button, so there
> is no way activities would ever know what input the TV is on.
No, that's the point. It _does_ know because it remembers. You tell it
your TV has four inputs (or whatever) and that they cycle by pressing
that one button. It knows which is which, and it knows what the TV was
on last time, so it know how many times to press the button to get to
where it needs to be. As long as it's the only device which controls
the TV (and you don't use the device menus) it works great, like I said
if you want to use multiple remotes at once it's impossible. Trust me,
it works if you let it. Let go of the device menu, put all the other
remotes in a drawer, and make sure the Harmony is setup correctly. 

Otherwise put it on ebay. A Harmony without activities is a useless
device, if you want a traditional universal remote there are much
better (and cheaper) ones out there.

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