Many moons ago I responded to a thread on the audiophile forum asking
what people thought should be changed if there was ever to be a
Transporter V2 released. My suggestion was that a cheaper version of
the Transporter would be a good idea, my argument being that
significant cost reduction could be made by reducing the screen display
size to a minimum and reducing the size of the unit itself. My reasoning
was that I would love to be able to have a Transporter for the sound
quality offered, and would be prepared to sacrifice these things if it
made it more affordable.

Needless to say, my suggestion was shot down by a number of
'audiophiles'. However since then, the Duet has been released (small
and with no screen) and more recently the Squeezebox Boom, with a
reduced screen size and even a smaller remote.

So my question is, having seen the Duet and the Boom, would anybody be
interested in a (cheaper) Transporter offering the same sound quality
but losing some of the other features.

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