On 7/29/05, Justme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway, there doesn't seem to be any difference I can see between the
> ID3tags. When checking two different songs, one that displays both
> title and artist, and one that only shows the artist, both are filled
> out in all major fields. There are no unusal characters, no major
> difference in field lengths, no difference if spaces were used or not.

Is there a chance that some of these files might have both  ID3v1 and
ID3v2 tags at the same time?  One tag might be right and the other
might be incomplete.  I have run across MP3s of my own that had both
set, and I can easily see by looking at the file properties using

Anywho, I have no idea what SlimServer does with MP3s that have both
tags, but it probably just looks at one set and ignores the other.

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