As said in the title, I bought a "Duet", and while I am getting more and
more intimate with it, I don't know who goes wrong here, the Controller
or the Receiver. 
The problem is simple: the Duet in bridged mode does not wake my SC
server. It never did. 

Isn't the *Receiver* supposed to send the WOL packets over the network
? I see bugs filed (and resolved...) about the Controller being able to
send WOL packets but nothing much about the Receiver.

Anyone in bridged mode with a server that wakes-up ? Is this issue in
the radar already ? 

This is a test trace:

    1) Setup a listening host on my lan sudo tcpdump -vvv -x -i 1 -n -t -l -s 
256 "(multicast or broadcast) and udp"
  tcpdump: WARNING: eth0: no IPv4 address assigned
  tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 256 
  2) Sleep SC 7.2 server, music playing.
  3) On some host: wol -vvv 00:17:31:38:46:c8
  Waking up 00:17:31:38:46:c8 with
  Reads this on listening host:
  IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 5955, offset 0, flags [none], proto: UDP (17), 
length: 130) > [udp sum ok] UDP, 
length 102
        0x0000:  4500 0082 1743 0000 4011 a0ba c0a8 01c6
        0x0010:  ffff ffff dc56 9c40 006e 4295 ffff ffff
        0x0020:  ffff 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017
        0x0030:  3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8
        0x0040:  0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138
        0x0050:  46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017
        0x0060:  3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8
        0x0070:  0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138
        0x0080:  46c8
  Server wakes-up
  4) Sleep SC server
  5) Squeezecenter classic, playing until buffer is empty, looses server and 
goes black screen, remote control a bit numb, then able to do right arrow to 
reconnect. Says "Waking-up SqueezeCenter":
  Reads this:
  IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 17664, offset 0, flags [none], proto: UDP (17), 
length: 130) > [udp sum ok] UDP, 
length 102
        0x0000:  4500 0082 4500 0000 4011 72c7 c0a8 01fc
        0x0010:  ffff ffff 0d9b 22c4 006e 8a97 ffff ffff
        0x0020:  ffff 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017
        0x0030:  3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8
        0x0040:  0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138
        0x0050:  46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017
        0x0060:  3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8
        0x0070:  0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138 46c8 0017 3138
        0x0080:  46c8
  Server wakes-up
  6) Duet bridged mode, playing, immediate blue fan on the Controller, 
Controller keeps responding to inputs (not being able to pass them on to the 
server), then displays a "Wait" message.
  Reads this:
  IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: UDP (17), length: 
130) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 102
        0x0000:  4500 0082 0000 4000 4011 77c8 c0a8 01fb
        0x0010:  ffff ffff 800b 0007 006e 6298 ffff ffff
        0x0020:  ffff 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004
        0x0030:  2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582
        0x0040:  0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016
        0x0050:  2582 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004
        0x0060:  2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582
        0x0070:  0004 2016 2582 0004 2016 2582 0004 2016
        0x0080:  2582
  This is the Controller (.251) trying to wake the Receiver (.250)... 
  The Recever never sends a WOL packet to the server, hence the server does not 
wake-up. It sends frames however, but they don't exactly look like WOL packets 
and I can't see my servers MAC in it:
  The most often seen are like this:
  IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 1267, offset 0, flags [none], proto: UDP (17), 
length: 46) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 
        0x0000:  4500 002e 04f3 0000 4011 b32a c0a8 01fa
        0x0010:  ffff ffff 0d9b 0d9b 001a 7116 6400 072f
        0x0020:  0000 0000 0000 0000 0004 2016 2582
  And from time to time this longer one: 
  IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 1238, offset 0, flags [none], proto: UDP (17), 
length: 107) > [udp sum ok] UDP, 
length 79
        0x0000:  4500 006b 04d6 0000 4011 b30a c0a8 01fa
        0x0010:  ffff ffff 4578 8004 0057 c2b4 0002 0000
        0x0020:  0000 0000 0001 0004 2016 2582 0001 c001
        0x0030:  0000 0100 0100 090c 0f77 6169 745f 736c
        0x0040:  696d 7365 7276 6572 0b02 3037 0a04 3030
        0x0050:  3035 0902 3437 030a 7371 7565 657a 6562
        0x0060:  6f78 0207 416e 7469 6265 73
  Reconnect fails. Controller "forgets" the SC server, game over.
  And then the Controller said "battery empty". Sure, I can fix that.

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