I recently changed my main squeezebox in my hifi to a SB2 and started
noticing a thump when changing the input selector of my preamp
(Audiolab 8000C) to the squeezebox. This didn't occur with the SB1.

A bit of testing has revealed 2 things - When the output of the SB2 is
left unterminated, a DC potential slowly appears on the O/P of about
0.6V after an hour and 5V overnight!!! 

My preamp does not terminate unselected inputs, they go straight to the
selector switch and only get a termination if selected.

So what's happening is, if I listen to the CD for awhile then the DC
voltage builds on the output of the SB2 then when I switch to the SB I
get an unwelcome thump.

So the cure is pretty obvious - I need to put 1 meg resistors across
the outputs of the SB2 but is it a fault or a design problem?


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