
On Monday 01 August 2005 10:51, gdg wrote:
> Dan,
> I guess the "intro scan" function solves the problem of building a
> quick playlist. The flip side of the issue is that I would like to put
> together playlists at my own pace, sometimes quickly and sometimes as
> an ongoing process. In a perfect world I would have an empty playlist
> available that I could build on my own timeline and using songs that
> are currently playing (in the "now playing" list). The fundamental
> problem is that the "playlist" (before it is saved) and "now playing"
> are one and the same. In order to do what I want it must be recognized
> that they serve different functions and would need to be separated. I'm
> not sure that can be done.
> On the other hand I do believe that my "suggestion" to Sean about a
> simple "flag" would be the most efficient way to address the issue.
> Let's face it, it's unlikely that I or anyone is going to get "perfect"
> functionality. I'll settle for having usefull functions that help get me
> there. I would be more than satisfied with the abitity to flag (and
> maybe search to retrieve these flags).

how does this sound:-

1. we maintain the current "playlist == now playing" model as for most people 
this is exactly what is required and changing this would be very troublesome 
and confusing for the vast majority of people.  We refer to this as the "now 
playing playlist" for now...

2. we create a space that holds a "secondary playlist" which can be assigned 
to any existing playlist in the playlist folder, or a new empty playlist.

3. we create a function which adds the currently playing song from the "now 
playing playlist" to the "secondary playlist", but which does not change 
anything else, ie the "now playing playlist" continues to function as per 
normal and the song continues playing.

4. we create a function that makes the "secondary playlist" into the "now 
playing playlist", thereby making it possible to use the existing editing 
functions on the web interface for re-ordering and deleting items on the "now 
playing playlist".

5. we create a final function that makes the "now playing playlist" into the 
"secondary playlist" to perform the opposite of point 4, thereby enabling you 
to continue browsing for new tracks after editing your "secondary playlist" 
without buggering up your playlist.

I'm not familiar with the internal structure of the slim server code 
architecture, but the above feels like it should not be a major refactoring 
because it never needs to actual play anything from the "secondary playlist" 
thereby keeping the core architecture pretty much identical.  Obviously there 
would have to be a little bit of thought about how to represent what was 
going on when trying to perform the above through the squeeze box UI to avoid 
it getting confusing, but I would imagine that this sort of thing might well 
be done through the web interface rather than via the remote control.

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