I'm particularly interested in the forum members with older players back
when this stuff was -really- obscure...

This thread http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53642
prompted me to think about when I first heard of Slim Devices.

I probably heard of the Squeezebox from the AVS Forum.  The main
stumbling block for me was price and the fact that it was 802.11b with
WEP.  However I thought SlimServer was very cool, installed it and
played with it.  I guess I'm easily impressed, I thought it was very
neat that it ran a remote web server that could be controlled over the
network.  At that time I started cleaning up my tags and ripping my CDs
to FLAC.  Eventually I uninstalled SlimServer as it wasn't doing
anything for me and I almost forgot about Slim Devices.

Fast-forward to October 2005 when (again through AVS Forums) I learned
about the SB3.  I went to the website where I discovered the remaining
SB2s were on sale.  The SB2 addressed the issues I had with the SB1 and
seeing as it was on sale and money was better for me at the time, I dove

I wrote a review article for a computer forum I was active in at the
time, ABX Forum, but I posted it here first for comments.  Sean Adams
wondered why I was reviewing the SB2 and an older version of SS
(6.0.2?) and sent me an SB3 for review.

I was thinking of a use for 2 players at the time, so when the review
period was over I ended up buying that SB3.  The rest is history...

So what are your stories?

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53831

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