Hi Dennis!

Sorry for not giving more info. I'm on Windows Vista Home Premium
32-bit Service Pack 1, and I have AVG 8 as my Firewall. I uninstalled
AVG completely though but that didn't help, so now I have reinstalled
it again. When I restart Windows I get a message that mysqld.ex stopped
working and was closed. My squeeztray keeps blinking. so not getting
started. When I look at services it seems that I can start SqueezeMySQL
in the service window, but in services in Widows task manager I don't
seem to be able to start the same service, it starts up on some port
(PID), but then after a few seconds just stop again. I can reach
squeezeNetwork on my SB3 and also on my Boom, but on the Duet I can't
connect to anything it seems. Hope this is useful info, please let me
know if there is any other info I can provide.


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