NFLnut wrote:
peter;357458 Wrote:
NFLnut wrote:
I am another U.S. business owner, and the election of Obama has given
great concerns .. in addition to the economic slowdown .. about
I should expand my business or no (as I planned to do) and even
I can keep my current employees, knowing the impending Obama changes.
Pure Socialism, IMO. This is NOT what the U.S. is all about! I FEAR
what he will do to our economy .. even to the possible
of businesses.

Once the euphoria over the vapid bumper sticker slogans of "HOPE"
"CHANGE" are over, I'm afraid that he will be Jimmy Carter II, only
with a more Socialist bent.

At least, that's MY opinion.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. My opinion - no, make that fact - is that political and religious discussions tend to deteriorate into flame wars really quickly and for that reason alone should be banned from forums like this. It's all very good to pretend everyone's an Obama fan, but don't forget that a huge number of voters

(what was it? well over 40%) voted for Mc Cain.

Peter (not even American, but I know forums)

Peter ..

I think you misread my post ..

No, I didn't.
I AM one of the 46% who voted for McCain.

Obviously, and some of the others here voted Obama.
It's all nothing to do with streaming networked audio devices.


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