
I have two SB3s, one in the lounge and one in my bedroom, and one of
them reboots itself on a quite regular basis, after 5 minutes or so,
longer sometimes.

I swapped them over, thinking it was a problem with the wi-fi but it's
just the same when wired. I swapped the power supplies but the problem
remained with the same unit. I'm thinking perhaps a component might be
failing? It seems to reboot itself after a few minutes with loud/busy
music and lasts for several tracks sometimes with quieter music. Could
something be getting overloaded?

Your post pointing the finger at the server operating system is
interesting and now I'm wondering if I can revive this wonky player.

I've tried going back to v6.5 but it still fails, I'm currently on an
overnight build of v7.2.1 from a couple of weeks ago, firmware 113. I'm
running Windows XP, with recently applied SP3 although it was failing on
SP2 for a while before that.

Doe anyone know if there are any debug settings I can turn on which
might indicate what's actually happening at the player? Or any
plug-ins? I sometimes see a crazed display just before it reboots.
Mostly it carries on with the track it was playing, other times it
stays quiet in the "stopped" position. 

Any clues, tips or advice would be most welcome


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