> *ouch* thats a bit harsh, if we are looking at the same thread he asked
> a question, had to bump it up as no one responded then somebody
> suggested something, he then replied to say that wasn't it, end of
> thread.

Apparently we weren't looking at the same thread because the one I
currently see wasn't answered by two people, nor was it abandoned...  
Unfortunately, now I can't find the one I originally wrote that about. 
Maybe I was imagining it :)

> If Logitech offer e-mail support then they should reply to e-mails and
> not leave them hanging, users should not have to phone up to get the
> same level of service.

I don't disagree, but what should be and what is, are two different
things.   Poor email support is not uncommon & probably has numerous
reasons - from being inundated with spam, to incoherent questions from
people with no writing skills.

I pretty much expect poor email support and consider it a treat when I
get a fast and detailed response.  Phone support seems much more
productive most of the time, especially once you get past the 1st tier
script readers.

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