JJZolx;362778 Wrote: 
> The other reason is debatable, but I'll mention it, and hope the thread
> doesn't go off on a tangent.  Some audiophiles claim that WAV sounds
> better than Flac (and some claim Flac sounds better than WAV, so it
> goes both ways). This shouldn't be the case, as Flac is lossless and
> will decode to exactly the same bits and bytes.  Theories on why this
> might be the case generally speculate that the greater CPU activity
> needed to decode the Flac stream has a negative audible effect. 
> Conversely, speculation as to why Flac might sound better than WAV is
> that the CPU and network electronics actually do less work handling the
> lower network traffic.
> They sound exactly the same to me.
I notice that on Settings | Advanced | File Types | Apple Lossless, the
dropdown selection box for FLAC offers "alac/flac" whereas the dropdown
for WAV offers "alac".

Does this mean that when Apple Lossless is transcoded to FLAC it goes
through first an ALAC processor and then a FLAC processor? Whereas when
it is transcoded to WAV it only goes through the ALAC processor?

If so, then I would naturally assume that the simpler solution (via
WAV) would be better. Any comments??

Also what happens at the player end? Is WAV transcoded to FLAC or vice
versa? I may be a bit simple in the head (or I perhaps I am just an
audiophile) but I would imagine that whichever end-to-end path has the
fewer overall transcoding steps, would ultimately be the one that
sounds better??


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