Thank you for your response Erland. Todays result in my debugging:

1. I removed the TrackStats plugin in the SS plug-in setup and the
problem did disappear after SS restart! So TrackStats definitley
involved in my problems.

2. I am about to try your recipe, but can you tell me where I find the
SQL Cache directory? I found three directories named "Cache" in the
Squeezecenter folder, but they all contains pearl code only. I have not
done any ratings, and I can live with a reset in the statistics, but I
have TrackStats backup files created once every 24h which are in the
6MB range.

3. I found a small bug when I now tried to install the file. In the HTML/Nokia770 folder there is a file
called "plugins" and one folder called "plugins", so the built-in
unzipper in Windows Explorer cannot, by obvious reasons not unzip these
files... (But I doesnt use the N800 as a controller anymore)


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