amcluesent;365043 Wrote: 
> >can you give me a bit more detail?<
> So, when there's no artwork the UI goes unresponsive. Pauses for 10-15
> seconds on pretty much all UI interactions.
> It feels like co-operative multi-tasking where one of the threads is
> blocking for 10-15 seconds on a time-out before releasing. Maybe the
> background process to populate the artwork cache gets in to funny
> mode.
> Deleting the app and reloading from iTunes Store is the only solution.


1. This has nothing to do with the artwork.
2. Cooperative multitasking hit's it on the head. The issue is that
iPeng is sorting the database while it's being imported. I do have a
fix for this that is currently in beta and that I will probably submit
to Apple tomorrow.
3. That means: the best way to get around this is: just wait. Quitting
iPeng once after it's finished is probably a good idea since iPeng
saves the database on exit and if it crashes, it will start anew.
4. If the database gets out of sync, "Flush Cache" WILL help, yet on
large databases (>2.000 albums) it can take up to a few minutes until
everything is loaded. I have sometimes experienced the effect that the
database is not fully displayed when reloaded, often it helps to switch
to another category (e.g. "Artists") and back. It does help to quite and
re-start iPeng (no re-installing).
5. When iPeng does not start to load artwork, this means it's not yet
finished loading the database.
6. With the fix we are testig right now, performance with large
libraries will significantly improve at the expense of synchronization
time with small databases - actually it's not the sync time itself but
the fact that some stuff now happens in the background, which in turn
means you can always scroll, which in turn takes up like 95% of the CPU
on iPhone.... On large libraries it will get much faster since there is
less sorting going on and the CPU load got so heavy on 1.0 that iPeng
appears to hang.


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