>SC always uses some “various artists” detection algorithm to identify
>albums with mixed artists.  If it detects different track artists on an
>album it places that album under “Various Artists” (This name is
>configurable) in the Genre and Artist menus.
Just to be clear, only when browing in Artist context will you see the "Various 
Artists" item.  eg. "Browse Artists >", or "Browse Genres > {pick a genre} >".

>Q: does the presence of a second trackartist on a single track cause an
>album to be identified as a compilation?

>track artist = AAA; BBB (or track artist = AAA and track artist = BBB – is 
>there a
No difference.  "AAA;BBB" is the same as having two ARTIST tags: ARTIST=AAA and 

>Q: Does the presence of a tag COMPILATION=1 override the VA detection
>and force an album to be identified as a compilation?

>Q: Does the presence of a tag COMPILATION=0 override the VA detection
>and force an album to not be identified as a compilation? (In which
>case, under what artist would it be listed?)
You shouldn't really ever need to set COMPILATION=0 to override VA detection.  
If you don't want an album to be a compilation/various artist album, set an 
Album Artist.

I'm can't remember exactly what effect it would cause if you had various 
artists, but set COMPILATION=0.  I believe you would end up with many albums 
with the same name, one for each distinct artist.

I believe an example of when you may possibly need to set COMPILATION=0 is if 
you had two albums by different artists with the same name in the same source 
folder.  Eg.  Greatest Hits by Queen and Greatest Hits by The Rolling Stones, 
with all songs in one source folder.

>> unless there is an ALBUMARTIST tag present, in which case the full
>> album will only appear under that artist
>seems to imply that the presence of an ALBUMARTIST tag effectively
>overrides the VA detection of SC and sets COMPILATION=0. 

>What is the role of the second compilation setting “List albums by all
>artists” vs. “List albums by Band”.  I have read that it might be more
>helpful to think of this as “denote”, as in “denote albums by Band”.
As an example, a song by ARTIST=XXX;YYY, and BAND=ZZZ would appear as "album by 
XXX, YYY" if "List by all artists", or "album by ZZZ" if "List by Band".

>Does this choice have an effect elsewhere?
It is only used to describe how information is displayed.  So, if you Browse 
Albums, sorted by Album name, you only see the name of the album.  If you sort 
the albums list by album artist, it will display the album artist if there is 
one, otherwise the artist(s) or band(s) on the album.

>Does it also control which artists show up when browsing
>Genre or Artist? (my guess: No.)

>How does it interact with the “group compilation” setting? (my guess: not at 
Not at all.

>The third setting to deal with is the “use TPE2 as ALBUMARTIST” vs.
>“Use TPE2 as BAND”.  TPE2 is “supposed” to mean BAND, but some tagging
>software appropriates it for ALBUMARTIST, and this setting allows SC to
>work with those cases.  The preferred method is to use your tagging
>software to set a custom tag (TXXX ALBUMARTIST). Several apps/taggers
>support this, including SqueezeCenter scanner, FooBar, and Mp3Tag.
That's right.  This option only controls how the scanner reads id3 v2.3 tags 
from files, whether it treats the tag as Band or Album Artist.

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