shermoid Wrote: 
> does anyone know if you can just point a browser to the address of the
> ReadyNAS, and have the slimserver come up just like it does on the pc? 
> i imagine there would have to be some sort of web server on the
> ReadyNAS, and perhaps that's part of infrant's upload image when you
> upload their slimserver application.

I'm very new to the SlimServer so I'm not a great resource - I do have
SlimServer running on my ReadyNAS however. There is an image of
SlimServer available on the Infrant website. You download it to a local
machine and then the ReadyNas software has a facility for uploading
updates that will install the SlimServer. Reboot the ReadyNAS and
you're running. Infrant has an application for talking to their box but
you can also simply use a web interface at ip.address/admin. For the
slimserver, you simply supply the port interface, by default,

>From there, you're simply interacting with SlimServer. A few skins are
included, I haven't played around with too much. 

Most of the ReadyNAS boxes come with 128MB of RAM. The Infrant
engineers had made the claim that not much performance improvements
happened above 256MB before they began to distribute SlimServer. They
haven't done much work yet with SlimServer but they suggested that more
memory was probably a good idea, especially if you were using jumbo
frames and gigabit ethernet. It was pretty cheap so I just dropped a
512MB DIMM into the box.

My music library is about 150 GB, FLACs and high bit rate MP3 and
performance is fine.

Infrant has a forum linked off the support page of their website and
they are very quick to respond to any sort of questions.

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