Chris Kantarjiev Wrote: 
> I have a Squeezebox (1st version) that suffers from random music
> dropouts of many seconds. It's over WiFi, and I've always blamed
> the access point.  It's not at all reproducable, I'm afraid - there
> are times when the buffer display just goes to empty and the music
> stops.
> I recently tried running the slimserver with a nice of -4, which
> seems to help a lot. I didn't notice the buffer going to empty.
> But I still got dropouts ... and when I looked, the display was 
> frozen, not responding to the IR remote at all.
> I suppose it could still be the WiFi freezing - are the remote
> commands handled by the box or the server? - but I also witnessed
> a fair number of player reboots when it got bad. It would reboot,
> try to get to the access point, make it to 10 in the countdown
> and reboot again...
> Sigh.

I've had similiar problems lately (SB2 wireless)It's been freezing at
least once almost every day. Any suggestions on troubleshooting? 

BTW: I've been checking the debugging boxes (_musicmagic, _info,
etc.)... hoping to get some diagnostics info, but have as of yet never
been able to locate the log.txt file anywhere. It doesn't seem to be
getting created anywhere in the Slimserver directory abd the link
points to a blank page from the debug page. Also, the debug setting are
always re-set to default (non-checked) after a crash (feature?).


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