peterw;331370 Wrote: 
> Search the forums and you'll find instructions for configuring your
> local SqueezeCenter installation --whatever version that may be-- to
> accept the firmware that SqueezeNetwork forces you to install. It's not
> the best solution, but at least the Squeeze system is open enough to
> allow you such choices.

Any chance anyone could provide me a direct link to this information? I
have searched for it without success.

The latest SN upgrade sometime last month has got me again. Upgrading
SC worked last time but I really don't want to be forced to stay on the
bleeding edge of SC all the time - my life does not include time for
constant SC upgrades. I'm running SC on a little NAS box running linux
so upgrading is not pain free, plus I'm always paranoid that vital
stuff like alienBBC might stop working.

Any help gratefully received!



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