
I cannot stream anymore.  I'm very depressed.

What happens is that I can make the connection from work to home and
start my browser.  Then my music starts.... no problem.  In my Windows
media player, I get to about 1:20 into the song and the progress bar
pops up.  After the bar gets to the end (as though it's at the end of a
song), it stops.  If I try to start it again, it just plays the same
song again and I am caught in a streaming loop.

This used to happen a while ago.  I would simply delete the player in
my settings, and the problem would go away.  It's not working anymore.

Coincidentally (or not) the problem started after I replaced my router.
If that is the reason, I cannot figure out (because the packets are
correctly forwarding to my SqueezeBox's server) what I would have to

Thanks for the help,


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