I found a product called iLibs (http://www.copytrans.net/ilibs.php) by
accident and quickly found that it solved a problem that I was having
managing iTunes & my Squeezebox Duet. Squeezebox Duet only supports one
music folder - in my case, my iTunes folder. I wanted to be able to
continue to add music to iTunes and exceed the 160 gig limit if my
classic iPod. 
So my issue wasn't having multiple people with multiple iPods using the

same computer to sync to the same library - what iLibs was designed
In my case I am the only one using my laptop but I have a 160 gig 
iPod classic, a 2 gig Nano (for audio books) and the Squeezebox Duet -

all accessing the same library. No problem - iLibs works fine for this.

I just set up a Squeezebox library into which I dump all new CDs. I
then set up three users using iLibs, one for the main libary that the
Squeezebox Duet uses, one for the iPod classic, a smaller, subset of
the main, larger library and one for my Nano. Switching back and forth
with iLibs is a snap.

garypine's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=24883
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=60306

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