radish Wrote: 
> It already is the standard-s- browser. It's just not the most commonly
> used. The problem is, if you continue to use IE just because some sites
> are broken, that doesn't give the lazy maintainers of those sites any
> encouragement to fix things, and so everyone gets stuck with crappy
> pages for years to come.
Since IE is used by the most users, then it's the de facto standard,
even if it doesn't support all of the "standards".  If I see the most
sites "correctly" (i.e. as tested by the site builder with IE), then
that's good enough for me.  I don't feel compelled to force all those
lazy maintainers to tow the line.  I also don't despise Microsoft, as I
expect that you do.

radish Wrote: 
> Install the tab browser preferences extension, set external links to
> open in new tabs, problem solved.
I don't want the tabs, as I've got the interface in FF set to be as
minimal as possible (e.g. no address bar, etc.), to maximize screen
real estate for SlimServer.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Mike Hanson
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