The Atom chip is amazing. I was interested in you question. So I started
2 mp3 streams to VLC from my VortexBox here running on a single core
Atom. I then fired up my SB3 streaming FLAC of course. Oh and I have an
over night background job running converting about 1000 FLACs to mp3s.
All three players sounded great 0 skip or distortion. You can see a
screen shot of top below. I'm running about 17% CPU load and that's
with only 512MB of RAM. I like to keep this system light to really test
out VortexBox. You can see I swapped 48K of memory but that was when I
fired up all three players at the same time and the CPU was already
busting it's ass transcoding my FLACs. It didn't swap anymore after it

So the point of all this is get 1GB of memory and you should be fine.
if you really want to go to town spend a few bucks more for the dual
core Atom.

top - 00:56:14 up  6:24,  2 users,  load average: 1.68, 1.68, 1.42
Tasks: 149 total,   2 running, 147 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 17.2%us,  1.8%sy, 49.4%ni, 31.3%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.2%si, 
Mem:    505532k total,   499352k used,     6180k free,     3804k
Swap:   786424k total,       48k used,   786376k free,   297028k cached


rip, tag, get cover artÂ… All you do is insert the CD!
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