cliveb wrote:
> I appreciate this is off-topic, but after some Googling and failing to
> find an answer, I thought I'd ask here in the friendliest forum I
> know...
> I've long been a user of Firefox, and often have an "index page" open
> in one tab, then drag interesting links to another tab so I can read
> them and then return to the index page for more items. (For example: I
> would have the Slim Devices "General Discussion" page in one tab, and
> drag individual threads to another).
> I also sometimes use IE, and recently updated from IE6 to IE7 (in the
> hope that they might have fixed some of the bugs in their DOM handling,
> but that's another story). IE7 has tabbed browsing, but I can't find any
> way to open a link in one tab in another pre-existing tab. In Firefox
> you drag the link to the other tab. But when I do this in IE7, it opens
> the link in the original tab. (If I were being uncharitable, I would ask
> "would bloody use is that to anyone?"). I've played around with some of
> the settings, but to no avail. Have I missed something, or is it simply
> not possible to drag a link to another extant tab?

Hmm, been using FF for ages, but I never tried dragging links to other 
tabs. Neat, pity you have to have other tabs open altready. That makes 
it a lot less useful... Back to Ctrl-click... ;)


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