I’d also suggest starting out -simple-. I have played with a lot
of MusicIP GUI and headless versions over time, and since they are
still quite buggy, always ruefully reverted to using the v1.8.1b GUI as
the "server". (This is the main reason why I currently run my "live"
system on Windows instead of running it on my Linux box.)

Re bugs you might want to check my (and others') posts over at the
MusicIP forums.

I’d suggest the following strategy:
- Clean Windows install (XP+SP2 at least, SP3 if you want)
- Clean SC install, using either the latest release or the newest
- Clean install of MusicIP GUI v1.8.1b (including your key to enable
  extra functions), setting the GUI’s "API service" to port 10002
  and enabling that.
- Test thoroughly, always start MIP GUI -before- SC. Be aware that
  once having set to enable the API service, MIP will -remember- that
  setting on startup.
- To come nearer to what SC does, you might also want to start the
  Windows MIP GUI with the commandline options like:
  *"C:\Program Files\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer\MusicMagicMixer.exe"
  -playlistcontrols -albumsbyname -rgtrack*
  - --playlistcontrols- will enable extra playlist controls
  - --albumsbyname- will (mostly) avoid the "one album per track"
    problem we also had in SC when VA compilation tracks are in
    different folders. Be aware this -only- functions on a complete new
    rebuild of the "Library Cache"! So you might want to completely
    clear the library (not by deleting it! but by marking all songs,
    deleting -them- in the GUI and follow this with an "Add to
  - --rgtrack- (or --rgalbum-) which will enable Replay Gain support
    for playback within MIP
- The "port 10002" and "port 10003" suggestion made by SpiceFly is
  mainly for people who want to run -both- APIs: headless -plus- GUI,
  while I cannot see why anyone would do that. Maybe it’s just so
  that people who accidently have the API service in the GUI enabled
  won’t run into conflicts with their headless running in the
  background. I’d recommend sticking with only port 10002 and
  just running -one- of them.
- Be aware that MusicIP (at least v1.8.1b, don’t know about the
  1.9 betas) still has problems with Unicode characters in filenames on
  Windows, so you should maybe restrict these to ISO-8859-1 (or your
  Windows charset). As far as I understood Wendell, this should be
  fixed in the upcoming 1.9 release.
- Install and try out a headless version. I recommend also starting
  out with the headless that comes with 1.8.1b. Be sure to -disable-
  the API in the MusicIP GUI, so that they won’t conflict.
- Unfortunately, the headless versions from MusicIP -all- have
  several bugs – that’s why I still use the API from the
  1.8.1b GUI which is the one that has the least bugs. Still you might
  get a good result but you probably also want to try out some headless
  versions from the 1.9beta5 and/or 1.9beta6. Be aware that the headless
  Windows .exe files are different but show the same (or none) version
  resources, so you should be very clear which version is which …
- The headless and GUI use a different "Library Cache", and you
  -should not- try to copy it over, at least not if you’re using
  what they call "chunks" or "libraries per device"! (Headless
  doesn’t understand these, only the GUI versions does.)
- I’d recommend staying away from the 1.9beta5 or 1.9beta6 GUI
  versions -if- you use "custom" database entries — these will
  mess up display and/or database horribly in this case. (I use BPM,
  MusicIP library, for easy "power searches".)
- I -really, really- suggest storing the "analysis data" (musical
  fingerprints) in the files. So far, I’ve seen this functioning
  flawlessly with MP3 (ID3v2.3 tags using ISO-8859-1 or UTF-16
  character set) and FLAC files. It -might- corrupt ID3v2.4 tags, as
  far as I remember!
  But if you have the "right" files with the "right" tags, saving
  analysis data can save you hours and hours of frustrating
- You might find some more help from Philip Meyer, he seems to use
  1.9beta6 with some success together with SC.

Well so much for my experiences with MusicIP. Which I wouldn’t
want to miss — never again. It has its bugs but is a -great- tool
if all bugs are "circumvented".

Good luck!


Moonbase: 'The Problem Solver' (http://www.kaufen-ist-toll.de/moonbase)
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