Ah, hadnÂ’t realized they were fake URLs used by a plugin. Naively, I
though I might be able to put in something, like a javascript or
something, that was recognised as a URL but ran a local file. 

Your SharkPlay plugin looks like it contains the sort of think I was
looking for, but my aim is simpler.

I just want to ‘call’ the Wave Input function and run the command line
as above example to set the channel of the DVB card. I donÂ’t want to
set up or control the card from within SC (I can do that with the
existing DVB app.) other than the channel Service ID.  The hope was
that then I would be able to have a favo(u)rites list where each entry
was a URL that called up wavin:0 & the command line that changed to a
specific channel.

Currently I use the Wave Input as is and have to use non-SC workarounds
to change channels, a system I canÂ’t use with my new Duet.

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