radish Wrote: 
> Well it won't scan 2TB if you don't really have 2TB of files will it? 
> Takes about 10mins to scan somewhat more than that on my system.
> Is the root it's scanning from dedicated to music or is it the root of
> the entire 2TB filesystem (with all your other non-music stuff)?

The above was my original question. And considering that you can scan
more than I have in about 10 minutes, I have to assume that my original
scan encountered problems other than trying to scann the entire disk
(including the null data) which caused it to hang. I'll try scanning it
again and see what happens later tonight.

In answer to your last question, there is no other data on the
MusicServer volume. It is recognized by the O/S as a very large disk,
has been assigned its own drive letter, but the back end storage
application assigns physical chunks from an available pool only as they
are required. Hence I have 3 X 2TB logical volumes (movies, music, and
pictures respectively), but only 370GB physical.

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