There is no "use iTunes" section in my slimserver menu. The "iTunes
plugin" is enabled.

Here is an answer I got on mail, but I have not tried this solution


We've encountered a couple of problems that seem to occur when iTunes
is being used but the library or XML file have been moved from their
default locations.  It can also cause the 'Use iTunes' option to

To get iTunes recognized again on this system, we should:
- stop slimserver by right-clicking the system tray icon
- remove the slimserver.pref file (in C:\Program
- remove the slimserversql.db file (in C:\Program
- restart the server
- go in to Server Settings and turn Use iTunes on.

If the Use iTunes option is still not present, do the following:
- go to server settings -> itunes
- specify itunes xml file location manually (example: C:\Documents and
Settings\Username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music
- specifying the alternate music folder location
- setting it to specify itunes library location manually
- restart slimserver
- rescan music library from server settings with the clear cache
checkbox checked

If Use iTunes still does not show up:
- stop the server
- click start
- click run
- type in 'services.msc' and hit enter
- find slimserver in the list and double-click it
- click Log On, and set it to Log On to your username
- specify your password and verify it.  then click apply and close out
- restart SlimServer using the system tray icon

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