
Is there an exact procedure for setting up one's last.fm account to be
scrobbled by SqueezeCenter detailed somewhere?

Here's what I have done, yet my last.fm account is not being

1.  I setup a last.fm account on the last.fm website (zzzoneDOTnet)
2.  I went to www.squeezenetwork.com and setup each of my players (a
duet and two booms) to send data to my last.fm account (I did not check
the box to the left of my account on the last.fm tab of the
squeezenetwork.com page).  On that tab it now says "zzzonedotnet
(Authorized for Last.fm Radio)"
3.  I also installed the Audioscrobbler plugin to my SqeezeCenter
computer (Vista) but I'm not sure if that is necessary.  It does not
seem to recognize SqeezeCenter as a player.

When I go to my last.fm account under settings >> applications, it
indicates that "Logitech SqueezeNetwork" has access to my account.

Still, no scrobbling is happening.

What critical step have I omitted?



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