BBobley Wrote: 
> I use this very nice piece of Windows software called Second Copy. 
>  Basically, you give it a source folder and
> a destination folder.  The destination can be on another hard disk or
> even another computer on your LAN.  Then you just tell it to keep the
> two in sync.  So I simply put additional music files in my Slimserver
> music folder hierarchy.  Then, silently, at night, Second Copy copies
> over just the new or changed files.  Works great.  Never gets in the
> way.  Yeah, I suppose I could have written a perl script to do
> something similar, but Second Copy is dirt cheap and works really well.

Wow! They charge $30 for a GUI on top of robocopy? I'm in the wrong
business. The "script" I use to do the same thing is:

robocopy /MIR <source> <dest>

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