"The Java language's portable and interpreted nature produces a highly
dynamic and dynamically-extensible system. "

>From java.sun.com/docs/white/langenv/Interpreted.doc1.html

Sun invented Java, and they say it is interpreted.  

Source code for any Java program is translated into a list of
bytecodes, these machine-independent bytecodes are INTERPRETED
on-the-fly into machine code for the specific hardware it is running
on.  Java is not a COMPILED language, it is an INTERPRETED language.

There is some JIT compiling that goes on with some methods and classes
in most applications, but for the most part most of the clock cycles
taken up during execution of a Java program are taken up by
intrepreting bytecode into machine code.

A REAL compiled language like C++ is compiled from source code ONCE and
ONCE ONLY into native binary machine code for the intended CPU hardware.
This compiled binary is then what is run when the user runs the
program.  When you run a Java program, you are NOT just executing
pre-compiled binary, you are sending bytecode to the Java VM, which
then does a little JIT compiling of a few methods and classes but
mostly interprets each bytecode element into binary machine code one
byte at a time, just like BASIC.  That's why most Java programs are
ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE slower than compiled binaries from C++ or other
true compiled languages.

I STILL want to stream my lossless FLAC files to something other than
softsqueeze, but it appears that there is nothing out there that will
do this.

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