Code: -------------------- bridging: 0 hostname: <you are not forced to set this> interface: 0 lan_gateway: <don't set if you're using DHCP> lan_ip_mode: 1 <for DHCP> lan_network_address: <don't set if you're using DHCP> lan_subnet_mask: <don't set if you're using DHCP> primary_dns: <don't set if you're using DHCP> secondary_dns: <don't set if you're using DHCP> server_address: <don't set it> squeezecenter_address: <"Server IP Address" from SqueezeCenter Status page> squeezecenter_name: <leave blank> wireless_SSID: <Change your SSID to a single word, just to be safe> wireless_channel: <Doesn't matter in Infrastructure mode> wireless_keylen: 0 <Zero is fine> wireless_mode: 0 <must be zero for Infrastructure mode. i.e., when using an Aceess Point> wireless_region_id: 4 <for US> wireless_wep_key_0: <using WPA-PSK so leave this blank, or set to zero> wireless_wep_key_1: <using WPA-PSK so leave this blank, or set to zero> wireless_wep_key_2: <using WPA-PSK so leave this blank, or set to zero> wireless_wep_key_3: <using WPA-PSK so leave this blank, or set to zero> wireless_wep_on: 0 <using WPA-PSK so 0> wireless_wpa_cipher: ? <1 is for TKIP, 2 is for AES, 3 is for TKIP + AES> wireless_wpa_on: 1 <using WPA so 1 is correct> wireless_wpa_mode: ? <You had 1 here. You could try 2 instead> wireless_wpa_psk: <just your wpa password, but quotation marks may be needed if multiple words used> --------------------
I'm suspecting one problem is getting the SSID to be recognized, since it is two words. Either use quotation marks around the SSID in Net-UDAP (not sure that this works) or change your SSID to a single word, which seems a safer bet. The fact that you're using a Pre-shared key (PSK) doesn't determine the encryption method (wireless_wpa_cipher) or the flavor of WPA being used (wireless_wpa_mode). You will need to figure this out from your access point or router configuration screens. You will need to know which cypher is in use (check your access point), and set wireless_wpa_cipher to 1, 2 or 3 accordingly. Generally speaking, TKIP is associated with WPA1, and anything using AES or AES + TKIP is associated with WPA2 and thus you will need to set wireless_wpa_mode to 1 or 2 for WPA1 or WPA2 respectively. (WPA1 is generally known as WPA, since it was once the first and only WPA method.) -- dsdreamer ---------------------- "Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dsdreamer's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ discuss mailing list