AndreE;426357 Wrote: 
> Just think. The copyright allows having any word or word combination
> patented/protected by copyrights...
> Anything what we say would be violating one or another patent/copyright
> claim...

Let's be clear: this concerns neither patents nor copyright. Monster
are asserting trademark rights, and they have a history of doing so in
an aggressive and often unmerited manner.

A word should only be registered as a trademark if it is not one that
other honest traders would legitimately want to use (eg a descriptive or
laudatory word). 

Moreover, a trademark is registered for specific goods and services
provided by the owner. The vice arises where a trademark owner
unreasonably attempts to monopolise his mark in respect of unrelated
goods or services of a third party; eg a cable seller trying to prevent
a mini-golf provider from using the same name.

Pretty much every business has at least one trademark, and will be
careful to prevent its improper use by competitors. A TM is a valuable
asset. As shown by Lotus (shoes), Lotus (software) and Lotus (sports
cars) there is no reason why a non-descriptive word should not function
as a distinctive trademark for several different - and non-competing -
concerns without inconveniencing the public in any way.

Unfortunately, Monster don't seem to see things that way...

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