Well, you could buy an iPod touch and iPeng :-)

Seriously. When I started the iPeng App a year ago we had this
discussion here, I even filed a few bugs on database changes to support
syncing a cache. Never got implemented.

All iPhone applications and from what I read the beta one for WinMobile
as well as Moose do caching but for the Controller the concept is to
explicitly NOT do it.

Both approaches have pros and cons. The main reason all iPhone apps
probably do it is because they use an alphabet index to directly access
parts of long lists and you need an index for that.
The backside is you need to cache the data, which can take a bit for
very long lists, especially on slow servers plus it can get out of sync
because SC is not made to communicate changes/updates (has improved
since but there are still situations where you have to manually sync).

The concept of all Squeezeboxes (including the controller) on the other
hand is, that they always work on the primary data (on the server),
which makes the system simpler and always accurate but which is slower.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=63866

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