m1abrams;428409 Wrote: 
> Well going down the video route while it seems like a great natural
> progression, in practice it seems to water down and degrade the product.
> Too many apps try to be the end all be all and end up doing nothing
> well.  You say SqueezeCenter is too complex now, add video to that mix
> and you make it 10x worse.
Full ack. I disagree with all the obsession of doing video and audio
together, the use cases are simply VERY different
> I agree with you that SC is too much for a non-techie, I do NOT agree
> with your resource hog statements.  The only resource intense part of SC
> is when it does a media scan and you really can not make that much
> nicer, any media app that actually scans and updates will have this
> (iTunes does not and is one of my many complaints with it).
I disagree. Especially the web server IS a resource hog. Plus it's slow
as hell, I believe SC would be better off if that got removed and
replaced by a standalone web server like lighttpd. Also the use of MySQL
is not really efficient.

That said: All of these issues are being worked, AFAIK, there's a
"noweb" option for SC 7.4 plus SQLite support.

For some issues, claiming SC to be a resource hog is NOT fair. For
example when it's transcoding and things like that. Requiring more
ressources than other servers when using features those other servers
don't even have is BS. A lot of the resource requirements of SC stem
from stuff like that.
> Squeezebox can not act as an Airport Express for iTunes because APPLE
> will not allow it.
Apple allowed it for others.I suspect those became poor over the
agreement, though...


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=63775

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