I've just downloaded 0.94 and used it for my listening tonight. 

I want to like this - a LOT! So far, so good, but I've been using
SlimRemote for quite a while so that is my benchmark. 

A couple of extra suggestions if I may? 

1: When choosing tracks from the library, it is hard to switch between
the "Now Playing", "Playlist" and "Library" screens - basically you have
to go back to the start each and every time. It would be nice to be able
to flick between these three main screens. 

1a: When you leave the library screen (for any reason), when you
re-enter it starts from the beginning and does not remember your
position - very annoying if you were at "P" for example. 

2: The search function would be even better if it searched anywhere in
the string, not just "beginning with". That is - for instance - it
should find "The Idea of North" by typing in "north" or "idea" rather
than insisting on "the idea...".

All up though, this is coming together really nicely. Congratulations!

amey01's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11274
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