At my new job, I share an office with 5 other people and actually share
a desk.  Needless to say, it is difficult to concentrate at times, so
I've taken to using my iPod a lot when the noise in the office gets of

My standard ear buds kill me after an hour or so.  And I knew anything
would likely sound better.  Wearing over-the-ear headphones just seemed
too geeky.

So, I purchased a pair of Sennheiser CX-400s.  Wow.  Let me say it
again...WOW!  And if things couldn't get better, the Comply foam tips
make them even better, especially in the bass department.  I could
probably wear these things the entire day they are so comfortable.

To bring this on topic, I'm using these right now with the SBC.  WOW! 
Now this is cool: a pair of lighweight headphones with a device I can
bring anyplace in the house and access my full FLAC library.

My poor Sony MDR-600s will probably be dust collectors now.

This is probably the best $30 I've ever spent.

Sorry, but I had to share my enthusiasm for both my new earphones and
the SBC player capability as I sit here with a big grin on my face :-).


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3.3, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 27,462 songs, 2,276 albums, 434 artists.
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