Robin Bowes wrote:
seanadams wrote:

A fine idea - please file a request at It's
something we'd need to do in firmware, right at the end of our audio

Actually, you could do this on the server by piping the audio stream through the appropriate processing program.

What kind of delay would you want? Obviously the delay and mix levels
would be configurable but I'm guessing you'd want a range of 0 to
1000uS or so?

There is a whole load of research on this, but I can't find the links right now. I'll have a scout around.

Also isn't there another name for this besides "crossfeed" that
wouldn't be confused with the crossfade feature?

I'm sure the work to which I refer is called something other than crossfeed. Again, I'll see what I can find.

OK, I've not found the links I was looking for, but this technology is related to Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs).

Somewhere I've seen a site that demonstrates a pseudo-HRTF, i.e. an artificial approximation and provides a couple of sample files illustrating the effect. If only I could find it ...


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

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