On 9/2/05, Robin Bowes wrote:
> Roy Owen wrote:
> > For all of you that use Windows for workstations etc.
> > http://www.bitvise.com  has a very good (free) ssh client that is simple
> > to setup for this (or any other) purpose.  I use this solution at work
> > with an SBG and it works great.
> PuTTY is the defacto standard ssh client for Windows:
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
> Details of how to configure port forwarding are here:
> http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.58/htmldoc/Chapter3.html#using-port-forwarding

I too recently started using Tunnelier from Bitvise after PuTTY proved
to do a pretty lousy job forwarding here to work without crashing. 
Cygwin also worked pretty well, but was a bit more than I needed here
in the office for day-to-day stuff.  I do still find PuTTY much easier
to work with than Tunnelier for connecting quickly to remote shells
that I don't intend to stay in all day.

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