On 2/9/05 at 16:03 -0400, Jim Dibb wrote
Are you sure you chose the right player in the web interface? You need to select the player then start the stream.

On 9/2/05, Daniel Cohen <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, I've now got my second Squeezebox. I will probably synchronize
them at some point, but for the moment I don't want to do this.

I used the Web interface to find something I wanted to play (a BBC
LIsten Again program, slightly easier to use the interface and not
the SB).

And the stream is playing, but on my secondary player, not my primary
one. I can guess why, for some reason the second SB is shown in the
settings list before the primary one.

Yes, that was it. But I am not sure why the secondary SB was showing in the menu.
Daniel Cohen
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