I too have the same issue.
Here are my specs

0001: *** System ***
0002:   Hard-/Firmware : QNAP TurboStation TS-239 / 3.1.0 build 0627T
0003:   Load / Uptime  : 0.24 0.13 0.10 / 6d 21.07:31 (98% idle)
0004:   Memory -- Swap : 987/1009 MB (shr: 0, buf: 202, cache: 654,
rss: 132) -- 0/518 MB
0006: *** SqueezeCenter ***
0007:   Version        : 7.3.3-27044
0008:   Process status : PID 13478, state S (sleeping)
0009:   Memory usage   : 67 MB total, 63 MB (94%) RSS
0010:   Uptime         : 35:25, 03:05 (8.7%) CPU time
0011:   Extra args     : --httpport 9001
0012:   SSODS/SC flags : autostart noupnp 
0014: *** MySQL ***
0015:   Version        : 5.0.67-log
0016:   Database size  : 53M
0017:   Process status : PID 13481, state S (sleeping)
0018:   Memory usage   : 93 MB total, 21 MB (23%) RSS
0019:   Uptime         : 35:25, 00:08 (0.3%) CPU time

My boom and classic were out by several seconds until I restarted SC
now they are both in sync.

Anyone got any other fixes?

Lakes_Puma's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30899
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=63048

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