On 9/3/05, bishopdonmiguel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I understand your issue correctly, you want to know why one of your
Squeezeboxen is selected as the current player in the dropdown although
you never selected it.  You also might notice that if you select the
desired unit and then exit, when you restart the web interface the
other unit is reselected.

I am using 5.4.1 and this has been a personal annoyance of mine for
some time.  I asked around a bit in the forums a while back regarding
how SlimServer selects the "default" unit but never got a good answer.
My experience leads me to believe that the Squeezeboxen are listed in
alpha order the but default selection seems to have something to do
with the MAC address.  I have leanred to live with this by physically
swapping players and renaming.  Of course, if anyone knows of a better
way to do this, it would be appreciated.  A new "set as default" option
would also be nifty.

This is skin-specific behavior, but at least with 6.1 and higher (if I remember correctly) the skin I use (Fishbone) remembers the last-selected player as your default player.  You can also tack a "?player=<macaddr>" at the end of your SlimServer link to force a specific player to be active.  This, I believe needs to be supported by the skin author so it won't necessarily work this way on all skins.  I believe Default has supported this for awhile, and more recently ExBrowse has been updated to support this too.


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