
I think the more easier it is to run a squeezebox at home, the more
squeezeboxes could be sold. Which home user without knowledge of server
technologies wants to run a real hardware server? It is expensive,
(often) loud, unhandy and full of risks. But the use of those music
devices must be comfortable and worth the money.

Yesterday I thought about running a server like a Mac Mini all over the
year, just to have a comfortable access on my music everywhere in my
home. The costs for power would be about 150.- Euros minimum per
year!!! A simple networkdrive would be much cheaper in purchase and in
running costs.

Don't get me wrong! I don't want you to kill the server-mode as it is
running at the moment! But I think for a lot of people it would be a
great thing running squeezeboxes without a real server.

I hope you can understand my broken english ;-)


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