empedia Wrote: 
> Did you use static IP addresses or DHCP allocated
Wouldn't matter - this is a higher level protocol, and how the IP
address gets allocated is irrelevant.

empedia Wrote: 
> I'm only using intel x86 PC's on either side of the bridge so I don't
> imagine its anything arcane like that. I think I might try connecting a
> different PC behind the bridge and see what that does.
Also wouldn't matter what chip/architecture you are using.  You're
grasping at straws.

empedia Wrote: 
> I assume you are just using a vanilla SB2 with no firmware upgrades past
> 15 etc - although it seems that shouldn't make any difference either.
Vanilla SB2, but I'm using the latest 6.2beta, with firmware 19.  Dean
suggested there have been no TCP/IP firmware changes since 15, so it
probably wouldn't help resolve the problem you are seeing.

empedia Wrote: 
> If the SB2 is spoofing the MAC address etc. how does the MAC address
> resolve to the correct PC - i.e. when I ping my bridged PC how does my
> PC know to "route" the ping via the SB2 - if that makes sense?

The PCs on either side wouldn't know - they just see the slim as the
destination.  But packets do contain both a Mac address and an IP
address, and certainly slim sees this IP address and can forward to the
correct PC.  A device is uniquely identified by its IP/Mac address.

You can install Ethereal on your non-bridged PC and see what packets
slim is forwarding to it.

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