Muele;454861 Wrote: 
> Before abandoning this thread entirely I will post a small coment to
> some of my own predictions.
> After all I was wrong for the most part, but I also was right in some
> little parts, as the Classic is being discontinued. 
> And the fact that I was proven wrong in other aspects just makes me
> glad.
> Especially that it will be able to run TinySC excites me very much. By
> the time we finish building a new living room on the second floor, the
> Touch and SBS 8.0 will be ready and then i will most definately get one
> for it. And even the missus will support the purchase for being able to
> remove the musicserver and serve as a basic NAS as well. I don't need
> the WebUI and never transcode anyway.
> What a laugh the developers and beta tester must have had reading this
> thread.
It's easy to be wrong when it's mostly just speculation fueled by
incomplete and sometimes incorrect information. It is apparently harder
to admit it ('witness this'
( Hats off to you
Muele for coming forward with this, and hope you enjoy your new Touch.

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