Aaron Zinck Wrote: 
> > I listen to RadioIO Acoustic and I've noticed it, too.

Aaron, thank you for your reply.  I thought I was the only one who
could hear this, and it has been driving me crazy.  I've all but
stopped listening to RadioIO because of it, and switched over to Radio

Now here's the bad part, I think.  I can play RadioIO Acoustic via
Windows Media Player, and I don't hear _any_ left-channel noise at all.
I've been listening very carefully through the same speakers: first
with Windows Media Player, then with Softsqueeze, back and forth.  I
hear the noise with Softsqueeze, but not Windows Media.

This could be a Slimserver problem.  It seems very unlikely (why only
RadioIO?), but it's the only conclusion I can make, given the

I would like to get more feedback from others before opening a bug. 
The bug report will not do any good if this is not seen as
reproducible.  So far, only you and I have reported it.

Other poeple reading this thread:  will you please do a simple
listening test?  Listen to a few songs on RadioIO Acoustic or Eclectic
with SB1, SB2 or Softsqueeze, and tell us if you hear any noise in the
left channel.  Then listen to the same station with some player other
than Slimserver and report that as well.

Thank you very much!

Dave D
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