Hi, comments below.

> 1) I wish the soft knob on the transporter would allow me to set it to
> default to volume control. I've used it without a preamp, and it is
> annoying to have to find and press the volume button.

This should be possible with a plugin.  But, if you enabled this mode,
how would you navigate with the knob, or switch to navigation mode?

> 2) Deduplication AT THE PRESENTATION LAYER of tracks. If two songs have
> the same metadata, dont show me both of them. If I select an album, and
> i happen to have two copies of it, don't add every track to the playlist
> twice. If two copies exist, only show the one encoded with a higher
> bitrate.

Well, you can also argue that you should clean up your library. :) 
Detecting the "same metadata" is not as easy as you might think, and the
work required for this would probably not benefit very many people.  I
think there are some apps that can scan your full library for duplicates
and clean it up automatically.

> 3) Fix the itunes plugin so that i can have it ONLY IMPORT PLAYLISTS,
> and refresh them often, and not my entire library. I use itunes to build
> playlists because playlist management on the slimserver interface is so
> poor. I also use itunes to build playlists because i like genius. I want
> my itunes playlists to show up in playlists, but not everything else.
> This seems like it should be so easy!

File an enhancement for this, not a bad idea.

> 3) Real itunes integration so i can use genius playlist generation in
> real time from the SC interface. I don't care if its a scripted backend
> sending keystrokes to the application, only care about the results.
> genius is much beter with the size of collection and type of music i
> collect than is musicip, and musicip is effectively dead as an
> organization. yes, musicip is dead. nobody maintains the musicmagic
> plugin anymore. the developer at musicip who wrote everything hasnt
> worked there in a year. 

Would be cool.  I don't know if Genius is exposed via the various
iTunes APIs or not.  iTunes uses completely different APIs on Mac and
Windows so anything like this basically has to be written twice.

> 4) A UPNP client that works. Sometimes I have music in other places
> than slimserver. Sometimes friends come over with music. It sure would
> be nice to allow them to access their music through the squeezebox.

Heh yes, one of my always-postponed items, I don't expect we'll have
any time to improve UPnP until someone in Marketing decides it's a
priority.  Windows 7 has good UPnP integration so that's one good reason
to do it.  However, we are totally swamped with Radio and Touch
development and just don't have any bandwidth for this.  It's still on
the radar though.

> 5) I'm dreaming here, but an airtunes target. A plugin which allowed me
> to use the digital output from an airport express and re-encodes it on
> the server would be fine too... so when people ask "how can i play some
> music from my laptop" i can tell them to just find the "slimserver"
> airport express, select the transcoded input on any of the players, and
> hear what they are playing.

I've never looked at Airtunes but I would guess this is impossible. 
Apple almost certainly has locked this down so third parties can't
interface with Airports.  Are there any open source projects that have
figured out how to do this?

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