All these articles are all well and good from the end users perspective,
but copyright holders ARE getting shafted by the likes of iTunes who are
continually trying to devalue music. 
Just because it isn't a physical product doesn't mean you shouldn't
have to pay for it. 
If you can't afford the costs your business model is flawed. 
If you don't want to pay what's owed for the "BillyJoes favourite
songs" station then don't set it up. 
I agree there needs to be a reworking of the rights involved, and this
appears to be happening, but there's a minimum value applied to music
and if you you can't pay it then you need to reconsider your business

If I decide tomorrow that I want to sell computers, but I don't want to
pay the wholesale price, I wouldn't get to throw a tantrum and demand
dell or whoever supply me the pcs at half price coz my business can't
afford them. 
this royalty argument is a joke, music has been devalued enough, these
companies are creaming it in profits, Music industry costs have dived in
the past ten years, record labels wont even look at new artists unless
they hand them an album that's 99% complete and yet the industry is
still bitching and moaning about copyright holders fees.they need to pay

Rant over! :-D

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