jimwillsher wrote:

I was doing the same thing. I had tried this many months ago and given
up, but now I have seen the light.

I have ports 9000 and 9090, TCP and UDP, all forwarded to my server.
(Possibly overkill, I will experiment)

I then open the stream in WinAmp or Media Player via

If I then refresh the simserver in my browser via
http://externalIP:9000 I see there's now two players listed - my
internal one as normal, but also the IP address of where I am coming
from on the web. If I then queue up songs on this player, it streams
perfectly to me across the web.


The ports you need to open up are listed in the FAQ:


To summarise, you need:

3483/tcp (Slimserver Control)
3483/udp (SlimDiscovery)
9000/tcp (Slimserver Web)

A suggestion:

1. Sort out your IP ports as above.

2. From your remote PC, open up a web page to your slimserver:


3. Download and install Softsqueeze.

You'll get a much better experience using Softsqueeze rather than WinAmp or Media Player.


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

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