Right Then - I had to go round the houses but I've now got my Dolby
Digital 5.1 copy of With Teeth by the Nine Inch Nails playing in
surround sound on the squeezebox2.

Here's how:- I used this tool to extract the 6 seperate wav files
directly off the DVD AC3 stream:


Then I used surcode DTS-CD to create a DTS encoded wav file from the
six seperate wav files.

Then you can simply play this using the squeezebox 2 and provided the
optical output is connected to a DTS receiver/amp then hey presto -
surround sound playback! Awesome!

I know this has been covered in a few threads before but I've not seen
it explained step by step in the forums. Does anyone know if it is
possible to make and plaback a native Dolby Digital 5.1 wav file in
this way or is this the only method of surround sound playback on the

Even if this is the only way I'm still chuffed that I can rip those 5.1
albums in this way...

The next step is to make a cue sheet for the wav file so I can display
the track names etc....

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