I have edited the convert.conf file (slimserver 6.2b latest build as
today, win xp) and added the following to the bottom of the file:

ac3 pcm * *

dts pcm * *

as far as I can understand this should allow me to send raw ac3 and dts
audio files straight to the sb2 so my amp can play those files using the
integrated decoder. 

I restarted the slimserver service and in the file type configuration
page I can see two more lines, checked, with nothing except  the check
box and the "(built in)" at the end of the line. If I refresh themusic
library I can se no ac3 or dts files.

can someone help me with this one ? 

thanks in advance


ps: I have a 54Mb access point sho bandwidth shouldn't be a problem :)

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